Want To Make A Game For Free?

Create your first game in 15 minutes, even if you have no development experience.

Want To Make A Game For Free?

Create your first game in 15 minutes, even if you have no development experience.

“I’m impressed with how well GameMaker scales from knowing nothing to getting familiar with it. As a full time developer, it has all the tools I need to make games.”

Greg Lobanov (Chicory; Wandersong)

You Can Make The Next Undertale

You don’t need a coding degree to become a game developer. All you need is GameMaker and an idea!

Easy To Start

Download the Space Rocks template and make your first game in 15 minutes.

Easy To Share

Upload your games for free and share them with your friends.

Easy To Learn

Dozens of written and video guides to help you learn the software. 

You Can Make The Next Undertale

You don’t need a coding degree to become a game developer. All you need is GameMaker and an idea!

Easy To Start

Download the Space Rocks template and make your first game in 15 minutes.

Easy To Share

Upload your games for free and share them with your friends.

Easy To Learn

Dozens of written and video guides to help you learn the software. 

Ready To Get Going?

Grab a coffee and start the Space Rocks template - you’ll finish the game before you finish your drink!

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